Best Max Damage Rogue Build in Diablo 4

Diablo IV

If you are not interested in a close-quarter battle, Rogue in Diablo 4( Diablo IV) is the class that would suit you best.

They manage to keep their distance as they are skilled archers. Setting traps is one of their specialties, as they do an insane amount of damage. And when used with the correct passive abilities, it could be game-breaking.

The Rogue is an underrated class and has always been considered bottom tier, probably because it could be one of the most challenging classes to play.

Today’s guide will talk about the best build for the Rogue that offers you maximum damage potential in Diablo 4.

Skill Tree Guide for Rogue

We will be discussing a Trap build for the Rogue, and here are the skills that you would need:

Basic Skills:

Puncture (Rank 1)Throw blades over a short distance that would deal 21% Damage. Every 3rd Cast would Slow enemies down by 20%. Critical Strikes always Slows enemies.
Enhanced PunctureYou gain 2 energy when Puncture damages a Crowd Controlled enemy.
Fundamental PunctureThrow 3 blades in a spread, and each blade deals 35% of its Base Damage. If two blades hit an enemy simultaneously, they become Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Core Skills

Twisting Blades (Rank 5)You Impale an Enemy with your blade dealing 63% damage and taking 8% increased damage from you while impaled. After 1.5 seconds, the blades come back to you, piercing the enemies for 101% damage.
Enhanced Twisting BladesTwisting Blades deal 30% increased damage while returning
Advanced Twisting BladesYou Impale an Enemy with your blade dealing 63% damage and taking 8% increased damage from you while impaled. After 1.5 seconds, the blades return to you, piercing the enemies for 101% damage.
Sturdy (Rank 3)You gain 12% Close Damage Reduction
Siphoning Strikes (Rank 3)Heal for 3% of your Maximum Life when you Critically Strike Close Enemies.

Agility Skills:

Shadow Step (Rank1)After Knocking Down or Knocking Back an enemy, you gain a 12% increased chance of a Critical Strike against them for 3 seconds.
Enhanced Shadow StepDamaging an enemy with Shadow Step gives you an 8% chance of a Critical Strike against them for 3 seconds.
Methodical Shadow StepEnemies damaged by Shadow Step are Stunned for 2 seconds.
Dash (Rank 2)You dash forwards and Slash enemies for 40% damage.
Concussive (Rank 3)After Knocking Down or Knocking Back an enemy you gain a 12% increased chance of a Critical Strike against them for 3 seconds.
Weapon Mastery (Rank 3)Daggers give 15% increased damage to Healthy enemies.
Swords give 9% increased damage
Bows give 12% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Crossbows give a 15% increased Critical Strike Damage.

Subterfuge Skills:

Poison Trap (Rank5)It knocks Down enemies for 1.5 seconds when it activates. This means they won’t be able to escape from the area anytime soon.
Enhanced Poison TrapIt knocks down enemies for 1.5 seconds when it activates. This means they won’t be able to escape from the area anytime soon.
Subverting Poison TrapYou set a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds and does 482% Posioning Damage on enemies for 9 seconds that come within range. You can have four armed traps out at once. This is perhaps the most damaging skill in the entire game.
Exploit (Rank 3)You deal 18% increased damage to Healthy and Injured enemies.
Mallice (Rank 3)You deal 9% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Dark Shroud (Rank 2)You deal 10% increased Poison damage to enemies inside the Poison Trap.
Enhanced Dark ShroudYour shadows get a 10% chance of not getting consumed.
Subverting Dark ShroudEach active shadow grants you a 4% increase in Movement Speed.

Imbuement Skills:

Deadly Venom (Rank2)You deal 6% increased Poisoning Damage to enemies.
Debilitating Toxins (Rank2)Poisoned enemies deal 10% less damage. This adds to your defense.
Alchemical Advantage (Rank 1)You gain a 1% increase in attack speed for each enemy you have poisoned. Upto 15%.

Ultimate Skills:

Death TrapPlace a Trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when the enemy is in range and deals 250% damage to each enemy.
Prime Death TrapEnemies are Pulled towards the Death Trap.
Supreme Death TrapIf an enemy is killed by the Death Trap, it reduces the cooldown by 10 secs.
Trap Mastery (Rank2)When a Poison Trap or Death Trap activates, you receive an 8% increased Critical Strike Chance against Vulnerable and Crowd Controlled enemies.
Innervation(Rank 1)You get up to a 10% chance of getting 8 Energy.
Adrenaline Rush (Rank 2)While moving you get 10% increased Energy Regeneration.

Best Aspects for Rogue:

  • Blast-Trapper’s Aspect: Enemies damaged directly from your Trap Skills have a 52% chance of getting Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
  • Aspect of the Protector: Damaging an Elite will grant you a Barrier that absorbs up to 909 damage over 10 seconds. The effect can only happen once every 30 seconds.
  • Aspect of Volatile Shadows: When a Dark Shroud Shadow is removed, it will trigger an explosion that does 223 damage around you.
  • Bladedancer’s Aspect: Twisting Blades orbit for a short time after they return to you, dealing 10% of the returning damage per hit. Based on the distance the blade returned, the orbit damage may go up to 20% of the returning damage per hit. It is pretty helpful for Crowd Control.

You can deal tons of damage with this build. Rogue is not amongst the most popular classes in Diablo 4, but if you look at this build’s damage potential, you would know that they might as well be at the top.

You must be of Level 50 and Renown 10 to complete this build. I recommend not maxing out the passives until you have to use some points to unlock the next tree.

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That is all you need to know about the best Rogue Build for Diablo 4. I hope this guide was helpful. Please let us know in the comments section below.

Enjoy the game and watch Gamer Haul for more guides and updates on Diablo 4 and other games you love.

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