All Gears List MW3 – Modern Warfare 3 shakes up the tried-and-true perks and bonuses system that’s been a staple of the Call of Duty series. This time around, the Perk system has undergone a complete overhaul, with perks now distributed across different gear components—Vests, Gloves, Boots, and Gear.
Each of these elements in your loadout provides various perks and bonuses to boost your performance in the multiplayer mode. Your mission? Find the perfect synergy between these gear pieces to match your unique playstyle!
In this article, we’ll explore every “Gear” available in Modern Warfare 3 at launch, along with the unique and game-changing perks they bring to the battlefield.
All 12 Gears & Their Perks in COD: MW3
We’ve already covered Vests, Gloves, and Boots, detailing the bonuses they offer in our previous article. Gear occupies the final slot in your loadout and comes with perks that enhance a wide range of skill sets, including weapon handling, immunities, early warning systems, and damage reduction. Each Vest allows you to equip one of the following pieces of Gear, while the Engineer and CCT Comms Vests allow for two.
Here’s the comprehensive list of all twelve Gears available at launch and their corresponding perks in Modern Warfare III:

# | Gear | Perks |
1. | Tac Mask | Reduces the strength of enemy flash, stun, and gas grenades. |
2. | Mission Control Commlink | Reduces Killstreak cost by one (1) kill. Reduces Scorestreak cost by 125. |
3. | Bone Conduction Headset | Reduces combat noise, allowing improved identification of enemy footsteps and gunshots. |
4. | Mag Holster | Improved reload speed. |
5. | Blacklight Flashlight | Shows recent enemy footsteps. |
6. | L/R Detector | Warns of hostile laser and radiation sources. |

7. | Threat Identification System | While aiming down sights (ADS), automatically pings enemy locations in your crosshairs. |
8. | Data Jacker | Enemies you kill drop a smartphone. Collecting the smartphone generates a radar ping from that location. |
9. | Signal Jammer | Emits a signal disrupting placed enemy claymores and mines. Warns of nearby enemy equipment. |
10. | Hijacked IFF Strobe | Undetectable by AI targeting systems and thermal optics. Does not highlight in enemy Tactical Cameras or Recon Drones. |
11. | Ghost T/V Camo | While moving, blocks detection by UAVs, enemy radar sources, and Heartbeat Sensors. |
12. | EOD Padding | Reduces damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire. |
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer is set to release on November 10, 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.