In Palworld, Jormuntide (Paldeck#101) is a tough Water-type Dragon Pal. Its intimidating appearance is not just for show—Jormuntide boasts unparalleled combat prowess and, uniquely, is the only Pal in the game with a maxed-out 4 points in the ‘Watering’ working suitability. While facing off against a Level 45 Alpha Jormuntide in battle might be a daunting task, there’s a more accessible way to welcome this powerhouse to your party—breeding!
Related: How to Breed Jormuntide Ignis in Palworld
How to Get Jormuntide Early in Palworld

Thanks to Palworld’s lenient breeding system, there are numerous parent combinations that can produce Jormuntide as an offspring. Here are four combinations of Pals that are relatively easier to obtain early in the game:
- Combination #1: Relaxaurus x Quivern
- Combination #2: Mossanda x Helzephyr
- Combination #3: Helzephyr x Nitewing
- Combination #4: Nitewing x Grizzbolt
If you’re unfamiliar with the intricacies of the breeding mechanic in Palworld, fear not. This section will bring you up to speed. Let’s take the example of the second combination: Mossanda (Paldeck#33) and Helzephyr (Paldeck#97).
To acquire the Huge Dragon Egg that guarantees a Jormuntide offspring, you first need a Breeding Farm in your base, unlockable from the Technology tab at Level 19. Once the farm is set up, head to the regions marked on the map to catch a few Mossanda and Helzephyr Pals—the latter is only found at night. Make sure you have both a female and a male to initiate the breeding process!
Note: Two parent Pals can pass down their passive skills to their offspring, so catch as many as needed to acquire your desired combat/working perks!
Return to your base, interact with the Palbox, deploy your selected parents, and assign them to the breeding farm by placing them inside one by one. Start the breeding process by adding a Cake to the farm’s storage box and patiently wait until the Huge Dragon Egg is hatched.
Once the egg is produced by the parents, transfer it into an Egg Incubator and allow it to fully incubate. You can speed up the process by providing the necessary warmth (place a campfire or burner nearby). It takes around an hour for any Huge Egg to incubate at its ideal temperature!
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And there you have it—you’re now equipped to bring the mighty Jormuntide to your side in Palworld. Stay tuned to Gamer Haul for more OP Palworld breeding guides!