Players working for Ryujin will understand that there is a lot of leeway as long as the company is not implicated in Starfield. The Key Ingredient quest will have you looking to get inside the Secure Wing of the Clinic.
The problem here is that you will have difficulty persuading the guard present there. The good news is that there are some ways by which you can get inside the Secure Wing, and you will not need to be sneaky, either. The following guide will help players find their way inside the Secure Wing within the Clinic.
Starfield: How To Go Inside The Secure Wing At The Clinic (The Key Ingredient)
As you interact with the Freestar Guard located at the doors, there are some options for you to choose from in the game.
You can try and Persuade the guard to be allowed in, and if you are successful, you can get inside the Secure Wing and do your thing without any hassle. Players who cannot pass the Persuasion step will have to look for different ways in Starfield.
Players can fool the guard into believing an outbreak occurs if they have a point in Medicine. Once the guard sees the “danger,” he will allow you inside the Secure Wing at the Clinic.
However, you will have to carry a minimum of one skill point in the Medicine tree that is unlocked for your lie to pass as the truth.
The third option is for players to visit the receptionist at the front of The Clinic, Ari Miller. Miller will reveal that the Freestar Guard at the Secure Wing has a crush on Dr. Osian.
Armed with this knowledge, you can return to the guard and make him think that Dr. Osian requires some help so that he will head off in her direction.
The final choice for players is to use your Aurora since the guard has an addiction to Aurora, which is why he began working at The Clinic.
Thus, that is all the information players will need when tricking the guard at the Clinic to access the Secure Wing. You can use the following methods to get past him, but you cannot sneak or get into combat here, so those options are ruled out in this quest.