
Suzaku Weakness in Palworld

Alpha Suzaku is a level 45 Field Boss in Palworld, found roaming around near the Duneshelter fast travel point in the desert biome. Defeating this …


Anubis Weakness in Palworld

Anubis, a level 47 Alpha boss in Palworld, awaits challengers in the desert area northeast of the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant fast travel …


Close up image of Astegon, a Dark-element Alpha Boss in Palworld.

Astegon Weakness in Palworld

Alpha Astegon is a level 48 world boss in Palworld, residing within the Destroyed Mineshaft in the volcanic region at coordinates: -576, -421. Much like …


Blazamut Weakness in Palworld

Blazamut is an imposing level 49 Alpha Pal in Palworld, found near the Ancient Civilization Ruins fast travel point within the volcano biome. Defeating this …


Shadowbeak Weakness in Palworld

Victor & Shadowbeak of the PAL Genetic Research Unit Tower are Palworld’s fifth and final Tower Boss duo, and defeating them requires nothing less than …
