Conduit Tips & Tricks – With the launch of Season 19: Ignite in Apex Legends, a new Support Legend has joined the ranks, ready to make her mark on the meta with her powerful and unique skillset. Meet Rowenna Valentina Coffey Divina, also known as Conduit, hailing from Nexus with Filipino heritage. Conduit excels at providing an additional layer of protection to her teammates and boasts massive area control through her ultimate ability. Her kit is very well-balanced, and if you can master her abilities, you are sure to earn heaps of praise from your teammates!
In this article, I’ll take you through each of Conduit’s abilities and how to make the most of them in Apex Legends Season 19.
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Apex Legends Conduit Abilities
Before delving into how to best use each of her abilities, let’s first understand how each of them functions. Here’s an in-depth overview of all of Conduit’s skills and what they bring to the table for your team in Apex Legends: Season 19:
1 | Passive Ability – Savior’s Speed
- Conduit’s Passive is essentially a free speed boost, akin to Octane’s Stim, enabling her to sprint 23% faster toward a teammate who is outside her Tactical’s 50m range.
- You can activate Savior’s Speed by looking towards a teammate for 3 seconds, provided they are more than 50m away.
- Once activated, the speed boost remains in effect as long as you maintain line of sight with the passive icon on your HUD (located below your teammate’s name) until you approach within 25m of them.
2 | Tactical Ability – Radiant Transfer
- Conduit’s Tactical ability enables her to generate temporary shields for herself and a teammate (within a 50m range) by healing the currently equipped armor.
- Activating Radiant Transfer grants both Conduit and the targeted teammate the ‘shield charging’ status, generating a temporary pool of shield health for the next 8 seconds at a consistent rate. Teammates’ shields regenerate faster than Conduit’s and can get interrupted by receiving damage.
- Under uninterrupted conditions, this ability can generate a maximum of 80 shields for Conduit and 125 shields for the chosen teammate.
- After the initial 8 seconds of generation, the temporary shields persist for 21 seconds before they start depleting – unless removed due to other circumstances (taking damage, using shield-regening items, etc.).
3 | Ultimate Ability – Energy Barricade
- Conduit’s Ultimate fires seven Shield Jammers that slow and damage enemies who tread close enough.
- These Shield Jammers can take various shapes and forms depending on the environment where the ultimate is deployed.
- Enemies entering a Shield Jammer’s range incur 10 damage and experience reduced movement speed every ~0.5 seconds.
- Each Jammer has 250 HP and can be destroyed by gunfire, ordnance, and Crypto’s EMP ultimate.
- Energy Barricade can reach targets up to 80m away when fired with a slight arc.
How to Play Conduit in Apex Legends – Tips & Tricks to Mastering the “Shield Healer”
Conduit is a support legend best suited for the back lines of her team, where she can monitor her teammates’ health, provide vital support with her Tactical, and assert area control with her Ultimate. Now that you have a clear understanding of each of her abilities and their nuances, here are some valuable tips and strategies to keep in mind when playing Conduit in Apex Legends Season 19:
- Savior’s Speed (Passive):
- This passive ability allows you to swiftly catch up to your teammates, making it particularly useful when you have highly mobile Legends on your team, such as Octane or Pathfinder. It ensures you don’t fall behind and enables you to support an aggressive teammate who likes to charge headfirst into battle.
- Additionally, it’s important to note that this passive doesn’t deactivate if you get shot at or take damage from any source, and it offers a brief grace period that allows you to look away from a teammate without getting deactivated.
- Radiant Transfer (Tactical):
- Conduit’s Tactical Ability is undeniably one of the best support abilities in the game, serving as an incredibly powerful tool for resetting after a fight or minimizing downtime due to healing shields with batteries or cells during combat.
- Pay close attention to the green shield icon that appears over your healing item; it indicates the ability’s different states (charging, charged, and depleting).
- It’s also crucial to communicate to your teammates that they have Radiant Transfer on them so they refrain from using shield regeneration items and instead focus on pressuring the enemy.
- Energy Barricade (Ultimate):
- Finally, Conduit’s Ultimate is one of the best area control abilities in the game, perfect for holding off enemy teams or covering your flanks while maintaining a position.
- The Shield Jammers are particularly annoying for mobile characters, thanks to their movement-impairing capabilities.
- Consider deploying the ultimate in a narrow choke point where the Jammers will cluster and overlap, reducing the enemy’s space and forcing them to destroy each Jammer to get through!
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Conduit, in capable hands, is a true game-changer. With practice, you’ll master her powerful abilities for support, team protection, and area control. Embrace the challenge and become an invaluable asset in any squad, turning the tide of battles in your favor!
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