In Palworld, catching Pals with your trusty Palsphere and enlisting their help to contribute to your base’s progress is the name of the game. However, be it due to less-than-ideal working conditions or other factors, your adorable pals can suffer from various status ailments, impacting their work speed and slowing down your base-leveling progress. Here’s a quick guide on how to cure pals who have developed an Ulcer and restore their work speed to 100% in Palworld!
Related: How to Cure Pal Bloodshot Eyes And Stress in Palworld
Palworld: How to Heal Pal Ulcers

To cure a pal afflicted with the ‘Ulcer’ status ailment in Palworld, you’ll need to feed them the ‘Medical Supplies’ item. Obtain it by crafting it at a Medieval Medicine Workbench, finding it in the world as drops from pals, enemies, or chests, or purchasing it for Gold.
To craft Medical Supplies, you’ll need a ‘Medieval Medicine Workbench’ in your base, a workstation unlockable from the ‘Technology’ tab once you reach Level 12. Crafting 1x Medical Supplies requires 3x Ingot, 3x Horns, and 1x Bone.
Ingredients Breakdown:
- Ingots: Process Ores in a Furnace.
- Horns: Commonly sourced from the Eikthyrdeer.
- Bones: Best obtained from catching Vixy and Rushoar.
Did you know? You can use the Paldeck to learn each discovered Pal’s potential drops and their habitats (locations) in your map!
If you’re feeling a bit too lazy to go Pal-hunting for ingredients, you can always buy Medical Supplies from Wandering Merchants for 800 Gold each. But hey, don’t throw away your hard-earned Gold! The ingredients are pretty easy to find, and maybe you’d want to save up for something more exciting—like nabbing one of the rarest Pals from the Black Marketeer!
Once you’ve got those life-saving Medical Supplies:
- Approach your ailing Pal in your base.
- Press the ‘Command Pal’ key (‘4’ for Keyboard users).
- Select the ‘Feed Pal’ option from the menu.
- Choose the medicine from your inventory.
And just like that, your Pal will bounce back, ready to work at their best once more!
For more Palworld tips and tricks, click here for our latest articles!
You’re now equipped with the knowledge on how to cure Pal ulcers in Palworld. Keep following Gamer Haul for all your Palworld needs!