Destiny 2: Point of the Stag God Roll

Destiny 2

Point of the Stag, a Precision Frame Arc Energy Combat Bow, has made a return to Destiny 2 as part of the Season 22 Iron Banner reward pool. Last seen in Season 9, it’s back in the armory with an entirely new set of perks and a fresh Origin Trait – showing great promise for both PvP and endgame PvE content.

In this guide, we’ll look at the best perk combos for the Point of the Stag, covering both PvE and PvP God Rolls for this reprised Iron Banner Combat Bow.

D2: Point of the Stag PvP God Roll

Bowstring:Elastic String-72 Draw Time and +5 Handling at the cost of -10 Accuracy.
Arrow:Fiberglass Arrow Shaft+15 Accuracy, thus recovering some of the stat sacrificed with Elastic String.
Trait #1:Archer’s TempoThe go-to perk for any Combat Bow in Destiny 2, as it greatly decreases the draw time on a precision hit. Also pairs extremely well with Swashbuckler.
Trait #2:SwashbucklerA very powerful perk for kill-chaining, providing a substantial 33% damage boost at 5 stacks. Each weapon defeat grants 1 stack, and one melee kill instantly grants all 5 stacks.
Origin Trait:Wild CardThe new Origin Trait added with S22: Kills have a chance to release a varying amount of explosive submunitions (aka Telesto Bolts) on top of where the enemy died.
Masterwork:Draw Time-36 Draw Time.
Mod:Targeting Adjuster+5 Aim Assistance.
Image via D2Foundry

D2: Point of the Stag PvE God Roll

Bowstring:Elastic String-72 Draw Time and +5 Handling at the cost of -10 Accuracy.
Arrow:Fiberglass Arrow Shaft+15 Accuracy, thus recovering some of the stat sacrificed with Elastic String.
Trait #1:Archer’s TempoReduces draw time significantly on precision hits, a top choice for any Combat Bow – especially when paired with our #2 Trait.
Trait #2:Precision InstrumentAccumulates up to a 25% increase in headshot damage when you reach 6 stacks. Each hit with the weapon adds one stack.
Origin Trait:Wild CardIntroduced in Season 22, this Origin Trait has a chance to release explosive submunitions at the location where the enemy was defeated. Put simply: free extra damage and ad-clearing!
Masterwork:Draw Time-36 Draw Time.
Mod:Major Spec~7% Damage increase against Elites and Minibosses.
Image via D2Foundry

How to Get Point of the Stag in Destiny 2

The Point of the Stag is a unique Combat Bow exclusive to the Iron Banner, featured as part of Lord Saladin’s offerings in Destiny 2 Season 22: Season of the Witch. Effectively, there are three methods to farm this weapon:

  1. Play Iron Banner Matches: Engage in Iron Banner matches during Season 22, and you have a chance to receive the Point of the Stag as a random drop. Victories increase your chances of receiving a weapon from the current reward pool!
  2. Rank Up with Lord Saladin: Increase your reputation with Lord Saladin by completing bounties and participating in Iron Banner matches. Claim your bow once you reach the suitable level!
  3. Focused Decoding: Once you’ve acquired at least one copy of the weapon, you can visit Lord Saladin at the Tower and use Iron Banner engrams to focus the Point of the Stag till you obtain your god roll!

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There you have it, folks! That is everything you need to know about the PvE and PvP god-roll perks for the new Point of the Stag Bow and how to get it in Destiny 2.

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