The Finals is an upcoming game-show-style free-to-play first-person shooter developed by Embark Studios, a team led by former EA DICE developers known for their work on the Battlefield franchise. Embark has promised to “shake up the FPS genre” with The Finals and to ensure the game is polished before its full release; they’re conducting beta tests.
In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about The Finals beta, including the release date, how to sign-up for it on Steam, and the maps and modes you can play.
When is the Next Beta for The Finals?
Embark Studios recently held their first two-week closed beta for The Finals on Steam, from March 7th to March 21st. The beta was available to some content creators and those who signed up and were selected to participate in the playtest.
While this beta has now concluded, it is highly likely for the developers to hold another beta session in the coming months. Keep an eye out for announcements about the next beta on the game’s Steam page. Find out how to apply for beta access below!
How to Sign-up for The Finals Beta?
To play The Finals beta, you can sign up for the playtest on the game’s Steam page.
However, please note that not everyone who requests access will receive it. If you’re selected, you’ll be notified via email and given access to the beta client via Steam. Make sure to check your email frequently and be on the lookout for updates from Embark.
The Finals Beta: Maps and Game Modes
The Finals beta featured two maps: Seoul, South Korea, and French Riviera, Monaco. Each map offers a unique experience, with Seoul’s city center providing intense, skyscraper-filled firefights and Monaco’s beach offering a more spread-out combat scenario. Try them both out to get a taste of what The Finals has to offer with its fast-paced FPS action!
Game modes in the beta include both Casual Play, a quick play mode, and Ranked Tournaments, a more competitive mode for players who want to test their skills against others.
Is The Finals Beta on Console?
Currently, The Finals beta is only available on PC via Steam. There’s no word yet on whether the game will be released on consoles like the PS5 and Xbox. However, given the game’s positive reception, it’s likely that Embark will bring it to other platforms in the future.
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That wraps up our guide to The Finals beta. Keep an eye out for announcements about the next beta session, and be sure to sign up on the official Steam page if you’re interested in trying out this exciting new, extremely fast-paced FPS from Embark Studios. Follow Gamer Haul to stay updated!